Paul McCartney and Jack White at Climate Pledge – May 3 and June 8

These were actually 2 different shows but both at Climate Pledge. I would love to expand on both of these in detail but since I’ve waited so long I’m going to keep it brief. My main reason for doing this is to just remember shows I’ve been to and when so I suppose this accomplishes that task. I’m irritated its taken me so long and I’m worried I may have forgot some other shows that I’ve been to just due to taking so long. I guess I should cut myself some slack, what with getting married and all!

Paul McCartney was first and a lifelong dream of mine. That show was May 3rd. I honestly thought I’d never get to see him live and it amazes me that I was able to. Tickets were very expensive, I had to talk Jake into splurging but told him its probably our last chance. We didn’t quite get the club seats I wanted and were back corner but on the first tier.

The show was, of course, amazing. The sound where we sat could have been better. We were under the overhang of the second tier and I think it made the music more bass-y. Some highlights of the show for me was when the platform raised and he played blackbird as well as when some fireworks went off inside for “Live and Let Die”. Paul told a lot of funny stories, one about Eric Clapton, and was so personable. He’s a great entertainer and a living legend so of course the show was great. I think we went to bad bar after the show and I left around midnight but I may be confusing that w/ Jack White now that its been so long.

For Jack White it was awesome as well! That show was June 8. It was my second time seeing him solo and my third time seeing him if you include the Raconteurs. I thought this time was better. Me and Jake were definitely dancing in the stands and we had great seats in the club section. Jake was able to weasel a pass from the bartender and we were able to walk up in the suite section to check that out. We also tried to get down on the floor but the guard wasn’t having it. guess the pass wasn’t that great!

Im amazed at how some of his weirder songs that I don’t necessarily enjoy listening to at home sound so great live. Especially songs from boarding house reach. Before I forget, the opening band was good too. They were called the backseat lovers. Maybe a little too much reverb but a respectable rock show nonetheless! Overall one thing I do recall was there wasn’t as many people there as I would expect.

I’m looking forward to catching jack white again at bourbon and beyond festival!

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